Brave New Worlds or Stepping Through

I know it’s been a very long time since I last posted on here. So, the long story short is that I got a job toward the end of 2018. At the very end of the year, it got really crazy, and I abandoned a lot of things I’d been doing. (I still don’t think I’m completely back to where I was.) And then, at the start of last year, I got fired. And then the world went sideways.

Anyway, I’m doing a little bit better (even though I’m still struggling to find a job), and since I’ve got some time, I’ve been checking out some of the things I missed due to…whatever.

Without further ado, I present a teenage drama take on the Stargate franchise.

Stargate SG-1

Stargate: SG-1

SG-1 is your friend. You met him at camp one summer when you were younger. Your friends warned you away. They thought he was a little weird. You, on the other hand, were curious. And yeah, he turned out to be different, but in a good way: a way that made sense. When camp ended, you went your separate ways, but you felt pretty good about the whole experience.

Then, years later, to your surprise, he turned up at your school. Okay, so he’d changed a few things, like his cast, and the way everyone suddenly spoke English, but it was him. Of course, with these changes, you started to wonder if this was still the guy you’d met all that time ago. Well, mostly, you decided. You still liked him, but you didn’t like him anymore. You shrugged your shoulders and immediately “friend zoned” him. You’d hang out with him, but the spark of that initial meeting was gone.

Stargate Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis

Atlantis is your friend’s little brother. You can tell he’s from the same family, but he’s definitely not as mature. He’s kind of cute, but his annoying peppiness makes you only tolerate him for your friend’s sake. He’s got a bit of a crush on you, so he tries really hard to impress you. If showing off one new cast member isn’t good enough for you, he throws more into the mix. His brilliant, imaginative plotlines are, well, childish. And his characters aren’t really interesting at all. (You totally thought I was going to kill that character, didn’t you? No, sweetheart. I knew they were going to pull through at the last moment. And even if they didn’t, would I care?)

You really want to like your friend’s little brother more. You can see he’s got some potential; he’s just not living up to it right now. Of course, you’ve known him for two years now, and he doesn’t seem to be learning anything from his past mistakes. In fact, if anything, he just keeps pushing on ahead with his unimaginitive stories and doing what he can to keep your attention that you watch with the hope he’ll finally learn what it takes to grow up.

(The stargates with the light patterns to dial are really cool though…)

Stargate: Universe

Stargate: Universe

Universe is your friend’s mysterious older brother. He’s hardcore and so metal, you want him to notice you. He’s a bad boy that doesn’t play by the rules. He kills someone he’s shaping up to be a main character in the first episode. Mm. Okay. Atlantis does this too, and with a major actor, and as much as I love Robert Patrick, his performance doesn’t light a candle to a Senator sacrificing himself so the crew doesn’t die right away. (Yeah, slight spoilers. Deal with it.)  And his characters are real. You have your good guys and your bad guys, but you can sometimes respect the bad guys and hate the good guys.

This is a man who can be thrown in the thick of things and find a way to make it through. With everything that’s been tossed at him, he could win on Survivor and not break a sweat. When he hurts himself, unlike Atlantis, you don’t just pat him on the head and tell him he’ll be okay. You feel the pain. You hope he’ll be okay. You wince that he’ll be scarred by the loss of a main character because you don’t know if they’re necessarily going to live or die or be left behind. Your heart is in your throat over whether his cast will find what they need to keep their decrepit ship running. You just want to wrap this man in your arms and hold him tight and show him he’s not alone in this cold world.

And then he dies two years later.

😀 So that’s my humorous take on the Stargate series. I didn’t cover any of the movies (except the original a little) because it’s pretty much only the series I’ve seen. As if you probably couldn’t tell, I loved Universe, have thought SG-1 was okay, and have found what I’ve seen of Atlantis so far deserves a face palm. Anybody feel the same way, or am I just spitting in the wind? Have an argument why I’m totally wrong? Legitimate comments are welcome.

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